Born to Prophesy by Hakeem Collins

Are you called to the prophetic ministry ...

Hakeem Collins, in his new release, Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You offers a concise study guide giving understanding to the paramount importance of the prophetic ministry and the modern-day prophet.  As an international speaker and prophet called to his generation, Hakeem Collins, presents a firm biblical foundation, giving insight into the ministry of the prophet as seen from the Old Testament, speaking on the relevancy of the office of the prophet for the church today – in fact a church cannot function properly without the prophetic ministry or the prophet, the author states.  

This book comes highly recommended for pastors and teachers that desire revival within their congregations, churches and cities.  Encouraging and uplifting, Collins approach in this book exhorts, instructs and offers wisdom in an easy to understand format, describing the absolute necessity of the prophetic function within the church of today.  

As a new emerging prophetic voice, called to his generation to “upgrade” the church into the future- and as founder of Champions International Ministries, an itinerant ministry helping others to discover their destiny and purpose with God.  Collins is also an affiliated member of IMPACT Network under John Eckhardt of Chicago, IL.  Called to the nations, called to impact his generation, his desire is to see others develop into “world leaders and changers” for the cause of Christ.  

In his new book, Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You, Collins shares his vast knowledge of the prophetic – giving the reader a study guide to developing their prophetic voice.  Desiring revival, Collins notes that each individual has a purpose, a calling and gifts – this book will help those interested in the prophetic to understand thoroughly the purpose and function of the modern-day prophet, prophetic ministry and prophecy.   

Learn that all can prophesy in Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You  -A highly recommended new book release that has the power to transform your world and others around you!

To find out more about the author and his book, visit Hakeem Collins at Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through YouGet your copy at Amazon and in Kindle Edition

Using Christian Book Marketing to share the prophetic ministry with the body of Christ.

An Important Review of Our Nation's Social Policies from a Scriptural point of view - A Nation Under Judgment

You must read this new book release...

Author Richard Capriola releases, A Nation Under Judgment - Available April 3, 2014 on Amazon and many other online bookstores.

Powerfully written and thought provoking, this new release gives readers well-researched information on America’s decline morally, spiritually and economically, calling for a multi-faceted repentance of America to once again return to God.  A fascinating and inspiring read! 

Has something gone terribly wrong in America? 

What does it mean to be "one nation under God"? Our Founding Fathers believed it was more than a political slogan. Have we strayed from their vision? A Nation Under Judgment focuses on issues currently facing our country, such as hunger, homelessness, marriage, income inequality and poverty. These subjects are reviewed from a social policy and Scriptural point of view, empowering readers to decide whether or not our nation is moving away from God.”

Here is what others are saying about A Nation Under Judgment:

“Well researched and Scripturally based, A Nation Under Judgment seeks to be a catalyst for inspiring believers toward deeper biblical thought regarding social policy.” Heather Randall, CEO of Christian Women Affiliate

“This is a book that needs to be read…Get comfy with a nice cup of tea or coffee and prepare to be mentally and spiritually stimulated.” Lisa Keva, CWA Reviewer

“Every legislator, and every believer, apologetic, preacher and evangelist needs this resource on their shelves.” Delores Liesner - CWA Reviewer

“An important review of our nation’s social policies from a Scriptural point of view that should capture every Christian’s attention.” – CBM Book Reviews

A Nation Under Judgment is a clarion call to the dangers of national pride, indifference, exploitation, current trends, and the danger of a nation moving away from God’s point of view.” – Richard R. Blake for Reader Reviews

Richard Capriola spent many years serving as a hospital chaplain.  He completed four years of Clinical Pastoral Education in preparation for becoming a chaplain.  In addition to his pastoral care experience, he has served as a mental health counselor at both a regional crisis center and a psychiatric 

You may get your copy of A Nation Under Judgment at AmazonBarnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

CBM Christian Book Review - Christian Author Gregory A. Booker releases Inspired Writings of a Prophet of Jesus Christ

Inspired Writings of a Prophet of Jesus Christ by Gregory A. Booker is just that – a unique collection of Holy Spirit inspired writings, poems and letters based upon scriptural study that is written to the unbelieving and the Church of God.  With boldness and reflection, the author’s purpose in writing this is to “produce faith and joy.”  The author speaks of himself as a prophet, called by God to publish these inspired writings in hopes of exhorting, edifying and encouraging the Saints, in that God is calling for His bride, perfecting those that whosoever will have an ear to hear and a heart to understand.

Prophetic in nature, these writings shed light on the glorious return of Christ, Israel’s role in salvation, giving hope, edification and providing encouragement to the Saints through persecution that gives way to wisdom and hope for a glorious future in Christ to come - An amazing, uplifting read.     

Beginning with the experience of an encounter called, “The Upper Room Visit,” the author shares the experience of a group of writers who sought God with pure hearts.  This is an exciting testimony relating to the upper room visit that the apostles experience in the Book of Acts.  The author continues with his powerful testimony of the heavy Shekinah glory of God that he experienced during an open vision of Jesus on the Cross.  One will be enthralled by the nature of this shared revelation, leading to a desire to experience and understand the power and presence of the Holy One of Israel – God and His Spirit’s power. 

Moving and inspiring, the poems will resonate with feelings, determinations, observances that all mankind has in common.  All of these writings have been published for the perfecting of the Saints and are a proclamation for all, including America, to return to God – Profound, these prophetic utterances are described by the author as four letters to the churches concerning America, the last days and the Return of Christ that will continue to captivate and challenge readers to watch, prepare and return to the ways of Almighty God. 

A highly recommended poignant and stirring prophetic read!   

Get your copy of Inspired Writings of a Prophet of Jesus Christ at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

Title: Inspired Writings of a Prophet of Jesus Christ
By: Gregory A. Booker
Review Date: January 29, 2014
A Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

Reviews for Christian Books by CBM Christian Book Reviews.

Christian Reading for Children - Hey Auntie, What Color is God?

Hey Auntie, What Color is God? Ysa asks her aunt, full of curiosity. Red, yellow, black, or white - what will her aunt say? Purple. This story is based on a conversation that she had with her niece when she was four years old. Ysa is now fourteen and continues to ask her auntie questions.

Thea Fielding-Lowe was born in Brooklyn, New York, but spent the majority of my youth growing up in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  After graduating from high school, she moved to Providence, Rhode Island to attend Johnson and Wales University, where she received her Bachelor’s of Science in Business Marketing.

From 1997 until the present time, she has worked with children and families in various capacities.  Some positions include working with family childcare providers in supporting their home daycares through access to resources.  Also, coordinating programs such as, “Mother Goose Asks Why?”, Toys for Tots, and food drives. Working as a community organizer, she has empowered residents to be proactive within their communities and government to make change.

Thea has a servant’s heart for the people and her Lord Jesus Christ.  She was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write her first book, Hey Auntie, What Color is God?  This children’s story is based on a conversation that she had with her niece when she was 4 years old.  Five years ago, while fasting, praying, and reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit brought the conversation back to remembrance.  She wrote the conversation down and continued to edit and illustrate the story over the years.  Finally completed, she heard the words of her Father in Heaven, “It is finished.” Thea wants all children to be friends with Christ.  She loves spending time with her 8 nieces and 2 nephews.  She lives in Rhode Island with her husband, Paul.

For more information about the author and her books be sure to visit Books by Thea.  You may get your copy of Hey Auntie, What Color is God? at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

Christian authors using Christian Book Marketing Book Blasts to share great reads around the world.

When you are Fighting for God's Promises, you are guaranteed to win

Fighting For God’s Promises by Roger Richter describes his spiritual journey and the perseverance that he endured to find victory in God’s promises. As the author writes: Every worldly possession was being stripped away from my life, layer by layer. It was apparent that soon I would be in financial disaster. I used every resource I had to prevent total collapse. As my worldly life collapsed, my spiritual life picked up again. Since my wife's death, I had been relying on my own resources to try and get through. But it was not to be. The worse it got, the more I sought the Lord. Then one day I had a vision...

Roger Richter's life had its ups and downs, but when his wife died and he faced bankruptcy, he suddenly found himself more in need of God than ever before. At the darkest point in his life, Roger was blessed with a sense of divine comfort and security. God showed Roger eight promises that he could depend on God to fulfill. These promises didn't come to pass overnight, but as Roger depended on God, he found them slowly coming to fruition. He also realized that these eight promises aren't only for him, they are for all believers. When you are Fighting for God's Promises, you are guaranteed to win.

This is an inspiring triumphant testimony that will encourage others to not give up during the many trials and tribulations in life.  One can be assured that there are promises in God and with God, but you’ve got to fight for them.  A truly encouraging saga of one man that held onto God with all he had! 

For more information about the author and his book visit Roger Richter. You may get your copy of Fighting for God's Promises at Amazon, in Kindle EditionBarnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.

Christian Book Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing, sharing the love of Christ with the world.

Be Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves - Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Sheila Carpenter

Dr. Sheila Carpenter reveals how to overcome every temptation, accusation and deception that Satan and his minions can throw at you.

Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Sheila Carpenter is an exciting, fast-paced thriller based on Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Taking an inside look at how Satan uses his weaponry upon the human race, including Christians, the author offers biblical truths while unveiling the wiles of the devil and his schemes.

Set in a small church in Ohio, Pastor Juan Cortez and his congregation, along with three other Ohio families, are in for the fight of their lives.  With plans of sending his minions and Greed, Satan skillfully plans his strategy among the congregation to destroy them.  The imps, lower-ranking, but just as devilish demons have strict orders to kill and destroy whoever gets in the way.  Angels are sent by God to deliver the congregation, but the angels must use the whole of armor of God to help protect the people of God.  In a heroic battle between good and evil, the author has written a novel that is engaging, revealing the reality of the spiritual world.

As a PhD and one educated in spiritual warfare, Dr. Sheila Carpenter is an American novelist seeking to instruct and challenge Christians, believers and non-believers of the reality of the spiritual realm.  Her goal is to entertain and give understanding to all in her thrilling novel that encompasses very true to life scenarios and reveals that they all have a spiritual root.  As you will see in her novel, God has given us all we need to be victorious over these spiritual forces.  Learn the essence of spiritual warfare and learn how to overcome in her new release, Spiritual Warfare.

Get your copy of Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Sheila Carpenter at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores. You may visit Dr. Sheila Carpenter at Carpenters Press.  Please like us on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

Christian authors use Christian Book Marketing to share Jesus with the world.

There is no dream or idea that cannot be accomplished unless you don't know how .... Emmanuel N. Obu

7 Visual Steps to Living Your Dream: Creating Dreams and Bringing Dreams to Reality by Emmanuel N. Obu gives the inspiration and guidance one needs to see a dream come to fruition.

There is currently an epidemic of unfulfilled dreams and many are already victims.  Dreams are ideas. And ideas exist so they could be transformed into reality. This book is a balanced approach of Spirituality, Practicality and Reality. Spirituality being the intangible part and processes of living a dream through God. It took me over six years after experiencing practical failures in birthing my dream as shown in this book, before I began to get it right. This book would be helpful in your quest for a purposeful living according to God's blue print, generating ideas and navigating through failures that are very eminent in attempting to live a dream.

You may have put off an idea or dream because you think it's unachievable or you have tried to live it and failed. Inside this book you will discover what you've missed out, not understood and processes required for living any dream or achieving any idea.

This book will show you how to connect with a dream or an idea if you have the desire for a purposeful living. You will visually see the process towards realizing your dream and know what is right to be done. 

Dreams are the seeds for reality and dreamers rule the world. You cannot be in charge until you have a direction. Your dreams and ideas are directions you need to follow to destination. This is a book that helps you with following your direction, being in charge of your course and seeing the reality of your pursuit.

Your accomplishments depend on the vision, dreams and ideas driving your life! 
In this book:
- You will know that anyone can have a dream and accomplish it.
- You will be taken through a visual process of living your dream, which makes reading easier, and more understandable.
- The understanding of your purpose becomes clearer
- To Succeed and make it through life with your ideas become achievable 
- You will understand the Law of Creation as was exhibited by God from the beginning, so you also can replicate it and become a creator.

Once you are a dreamer, you are already empowered to be a creator!

You may get your copy of
 7 Visual Steps to Living Your Dream: Creating Dreams and Bringing Dreams to Reality by Emmanuel N. Obu in Kindle Edition. Be sure to visit the author at Sparkle Switch and make your life, sparkle.

A strategic masterpiece in equipping willing community members in becoming sharpened tools, which will be effective in addressing lost souls for the better complection of all inhabitable societies - Reverend Simon Makwarela

Press Release

South Africa - January 3, 2014 - Harvest Unlimited, Your Blueprint to Fulfilling One Permanent Soul Transaction by Reverend Simon Makwarela reveals the mind of God and the commandment of Jesus Christ in a heart-catching way.  The Harvest is plentiful and the workers are few, scriptures proclaim, yet, it is time to understand God’s heartbeat – seeking that which is lost.  Makwarela in his fascinating and cutting edge release reminds the Church of the high calling to seek and save the lost, winning souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.  As a reverend, author, revivalist, conference and seminar speaker, Makwarela is leading the way in calling leaders, pastors and the believers to understand and remain true to the Gospel of Christ, focusing leaders to the Kingdom’s primary calling and main mission.  His purpose is a many faceted ministry, being used of God as a compass, directing leaders, pastors, mentors and teachers back to the Father’s heart and to saving souls.  One will discover in this engaging read:

  • Clear steps to achieving fruitfulness
  • Biblical wisdom on winning souls
  • Clear instructions on applying key persistence and shamelessness in God’s Word
  • Hints on how to break out of comfort zones to reach the lost
  • Teaching on signs and wonders as evidence of the Kingdom of God
  • An authoritative presentation of the urgent call to evangelize the world
With power and authority, Makwarela reminds, encourages and challenges the Church of today to win souls for the Harvest.  He has written a blueprint to understanding purpose in life, revealing identity and the process of winning souls, bringing to the forefront the commandment to the Church by Christ to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  

Further resonating this call and commandment by the Lord, author Simon Makwarela states, “This book is an in-depth study guide to understanding soul winning, the mission of evangelism, and church growth.”  In addition this book is a must-read facilitating solutions to societies riddled with abuse, drug addiction and high crime, therefore promoting stability, recovery, restoration and hope through the Gospel.  Makwarela has written a uniquely strategic book, unveiling the soul of man and inviting all community leaders to understand their commission and effectiveness in activating the Kingdom of God in the Harvest.    


Hot Off The Press - Manifest Destiny: The Path Towards Wisdom by Dr. Jamere Brown Spencer revealing hope, purpose and identity

CBM Christian Author Press Release
For Immediate Release

Jefferson City, MO. -  Manifest Destiny: The Path Towards Wisdom by Dr. Jamere Brown Spencer reveals hope, purpose and identity through a powerful testimony of his life that led him to victory in finding his own purpose and destiny in the Kingdom of God.  He uses these experiences, along with historical events that relate the unfolding of destiny, such as the Underground Railroad and the march on Washington D.C. in 1963 that also reveal deep spiritual truths.  As an author, minister and theologian, holding a B.A. in Journalism from Lincoln University of Missouri, a Masters of Library Science at the University of Central Missouri and a Thd. from Faith Bible College, Dr. Brown unveils 8 principles that will bring you to your own destiny within the Kingdom of God.  Each person has a manifest destiny as children of God and each person has their own unique abilities, gifts and talents, along with a pre-destined path, planned by God the Father Himself to walk in.  Learn how to assimilate these Kingdom principles into everyday living, making living life – a life worth living, filled with destiny and purpose!

Riveting and challenging, this new releases exposes the reality of the spiritual realm and gives readers the tools they need to discover their own destiny within God’s Kingdom.  With his knowledge of the Hebrew language, Dr. Brown has also included truths within the Lord’s Prayer, and what it means to wait on God that will transform lives.  This is an amazing read to inspire, teach and disciple the body of Christ to find their manifest destiny in the One who created the universe. 

- “Prepare your mind and heart to be challenged and confronted, with love and grace. I assure you that if you are willing to apply the principles within this book to your life that it will lead to the path where you will be changed into the image the Father has created you to be, and empowered to do the things He created you for! Living a purposeful life!” ~ LaMont Rich - Pastor, Song Writer & Music Producer

- Dr. Jamere may be a Degreed Educator but even more so he is a spiritually gifted and caring person with a heart for Gods people.  I have personally benefited from Jamere’s spiritual insight and I am very confident that those who are fortunate and intuitive enough to pick up and read this wonderful work will experience the same amazing insight I did ~ Denise Tichenor, International Recording Artist
There are tough truths in this book, some you will never have heard before. Some will convict you deeply. And some will transform your life. The depth of Jamere’s understanding, though, will take you places never visited before and ultimately lived in. ~ Mark Littleton, Author of more than 100 Books

Dr. Jamere A. Brown Spencer is available for booking presentations, media appearances, interviews, and/or book-signings.  For more information about the author, his ministry and debut book, please visit Jamere or contact him by Email at: You may also purchase the E-book at the author's onlinebookstore page.

A CBM Christian Author Press Release, sharing Christian authors and book news.

Were You Born to Prophesy

Title: Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You
By: Hakeem Collins
ISBN# 978-1621364047
Review Date: February 3, 2014
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You by Hakeem Collins clears the confusion on hearing the voice of God, the prophetic ministry and the office of the prophet – making reference to the modern-day prophet.  Offering a simple instructional guide, supported by biblical and scriptural application, this book teaches and exhorts Christians to understand the purpose of the prophetic ministry within the church as well as outside the church.  By giving a comprehensive overview of the role of the modern day prophet, a review of Old Testament prophets and prophecy, the author reveals the true meaning and purpose of prophecy, warning of false prophets and prophecy, giving light and direction to God’s purposes on Earth.  Without this function, the Church is blind, seeking but not finding, searching but left without definitive answers.  In this book the author encourages all to understand that all can prophesy and access the prophetic gift residing within each individual through the power of the Holy Spirit.   

This is a highly recommended book for those that want to hear the voice of God clearly and desire to be used of God as His Ambassador on Earth.  The author reveals that God has spoken in the past and is still speaking today, emphasizing that God wants to co-labor with those chosen to comfort, edify, exhort and encourage those around you and within the world. 

Further setting the record straight so to speak, the author has written this book to clear the confusion in regards to sensationalist Pentecostal ministers who have a misunderstanding of the function of the prophet and prophecy within the church.  Inspiring and insightful, one will learn the function and purpose of the office of a prophet and how the prophetic and prophetic ministry function within the church and in the world.  Seekers are also encouraged to explore their specific spiritual gifts and discover their purpose in God.  Those interested in the prophetic ministry or are in need of understanding of the office of a prophet will greatly appreciate this book.

Be sure to visit the author at Author Hakeem D. Collins where you will find more information and some great ministry. You may get your copy of Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You by Hakeem Collins at Amazon and in Kindle Edition.

Discover Truth and the Power of God's Wisdom to Renew - Coached by God

New Book Release - Coached by God – The Power of Wisdom by Denise Milianta offering the power of God’s wisdom for all of life’s circumstances…transforming and renewing lives.
Coached by God – The Power of Wisdom by Denise Milianta offers life and the power of God’s wisdom to those that are broken, in despair and lost by encouraging and challenging all to apply the power of godly wisdom to their lives.  Powerful and insightful, this re-released book presents practical biblical insight to the principles that govern life here on Earth.  Offering truth and understanding of the power of God’s wisdom, Denise Milianta, as a Christ-centered life coach, author and speaker has made it easy to apply scriptural wisdom to your life.  Recommended for use as a spiritual handbook, this book covers all of life’s tough questions relating to decisions, finances, marriage, relationships and beyond.     
Intertwining her own walk with God Denise Milianta reveals a touching and stirring personal testimony of how her life was changed forever in a painful “war of the roses” divorce that cost her everything.  Broken, confused and desperate for answers, Denise found herself being coached by God and shares the vast biblical knowledge that she has learned from many years of being taught and led by the Holy Spirit, revealing to others that truly there is a better path – that path is the path of life with Jesus Christ.  Come and discover truth and the power of God’s wisdom to renew, transform and lead you and your family to a truly blessed life. 
This soon available book release will be available at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores. Be sure to visit the author’s website at Denise Milianta and at Author Denise Milianta Blog. Sign up for updates and newsletters at Denise's sites. 

A CBM Christian Book Marketing Coming Soon Book Blast.